The Narraguagus FFA (Future Farmers of America) was supposed to participate with the FFA Day of Service which is a nation-wide volunteer effort to help combat food insecurity and homelessness. Our plans, prior to the Covid-19 hiatus, were to collect food donations, use our FFA Grant money and a donation from Walmart and deliver these food items to the Maine Seacoast Mission's food pantry in Cherryfield. In addition, the students were going to volunteer their time to assist in the food pantry. Instead, Advisor Caroline Foote went on a spending spree at Walmart on Thursday the 26th and delivered the much needed food to the food pantry. Former Narraguagus graduate Megan Smith now directs the food pantry and is pictured with Caroline Foote in the photo with the car 'stuffed' with food. The other picture was taken the last day of school during out last FFA Meeting for publicity in advance of all of our volunteering yet to come.

FFA Food Donation
March 27, 2020