***MARK YOUR CALENDAR*** Mandatory Fall Sports Meeting for High School Athletes, Parents and Coaches - Sunday, August 8th, 2021, 6PM at NJSHS cafeteria.
about 3 years ago, Sarah Grant
Fall Sports
Report Cards and Student Schedules for 2021-2022 will be mailed early next week. Summer school and credit recovery are done, grades are finished, and the master schedule for next year is complete. Thank you for your patience!
over 3 years ago, MaryEllen Day
Updated link to Grade 8 Graduation, Session 2 https://youtu.be/aeo4WUNZnQ0
over 3 years ago, Ron Smith
over 3 years ago, Ron Smith
EXAMS - Friday, June 11th EXAMENES - Viernes, 11 de junio
over 3 years ago, Sarah Grant
Friday, June 11th is the last day of school and it is a half day with dismissal at 11:31. Have a safe and wonderful summer! Viernes 11 de junio es el último día de clases, y es medio día solamente, con despido a las 11.31. ¡Que tengan un hermoso y seguro verano!
over 3 years ago, Sarah Grant
Here is the link to the second session (7:00 pm) of the 2021 Narraguagus Grade 8 Graduation ceremony: https://youtu.be/1M2YR1VoUTE
over 3 years ago, Ron Smith
Here is the link to the first session of the 2021 Narraguagus Grade 8 Graduation ceremony: https://youtu.be/I5bwCOIiFbo
over 3 years ago, Ron Smith
EXAMS - Thursday, June 10th EXAMENES - Jueves, 10 de junio
over 3 years ago, Sarah Grant
over 3 years ago, Sarah Grant
Exams - Tuesday, June 8th Examenes - Martes, 8 de junio
over 3 years ago, Sarah Grant
REMINDER: Please return all paperwork for the 2nd covid vaccination shot by Tuesday, June 8. It can be found on our Facebook page or at www.nhsknights.org. RECORDATORIO: Hay que devolver toda la documentación para la segunda vacuna contra el Covid antes del martes 8 de junio. Puede encontrarla en nuestra página de Facebook o en www.nhsknights.org.
over 3 years ago, Sarah Grant
HIGH SCHOOL PLAYOFFS FOR SOFTBALL AND BASEBALL ANNOUNCED: June 8th The softball team will travel to play the Calais Blue Devils. The game will start at 4:30. The baseball team will travel to Lincoln, to take on the Mattanawcook Lynx. Game time is 4:30.
over 3 years ago, Sarah Grant
The link for the graduation ceremony is: https://youtu.be/udCNWWDHzJ4
over 3 years ago, Ron Smith
The 2021 Narraguagus Class Night can be viewed at: bit.ly/nhs21cn
over 3 years ago, Ron Smith
If you missed the MEA Science Exams on Tuesday, we are offering a make-up session on Thursday, June 3, at 8:15 a.m. These can be taken in person or online. Login to your Junior Class Google Meet tomorrow morning for instructions.
over 3 years ago, Dawn Stubbs
MEA Science Make-Up Exams for Juniors
COVID VACCINE CLINIC (DOSE NUMBER 2) Thank you to everyone who participated in our Covid vaccine clinic on 5/21. For students who received the first dose, we will be having a second clinic for them to receive their second and final dose on Friday, June 11, 2021. A second dose is necessary to complete the vaccine series. Keep in mind that this is a half day and will be on the last day of school. If you are transporting your child to the clinic, please arrive between 8:30 and 9:30 to register in the cafeteria. It is very important that your child bring their vaccine card to this appointment. This card was provided to them with their first dose. In order to receive their second dose, they must also return the 3 attached consent forms before Tuesday 6/8. Northern Light was unable to provide translated versions of these forms. If you need assistance with these forms, please let the school know. We would be happy to set up a date/time for someone to assist with translation. For any questions, please contact the school nurse at atozier@msad37.org Please visit our Facebook page or www.nhsknights.org for important information and paperwork. CLÍNICA VACUNAL COVID (DOSIS NÚMERO 2) Gracias a todos los que participaron en nuestra clínica de vacunas Covid el 21 de mayo. Para los estudiantes que han recibido la primera dosis, vamos a tener una segunda clínica para que reciban su segunda y última dosis, el viernes 11 de junio de 2021. La segunda dosis es necesaria para completar la serie de vacunas. No olviden que el 11 de junio es un medio día en la escuela y que será el último día de escuela. Si está transportando a su hijo a la clínica, por favor llegue entre las 8:30 y las 9:30 para registrarse en la cafetería. Es muy importante que su hijo traiga su tarjeta de vacunación a esta cita. Esta tarjeta le fue proporcionada con su primera dosis. Para recibir la segunda dosis, también deben devolver los 3 formularios de consentimiento adjuntos antes del martes 8 de junio. Northern Light no pudo proporcionar versiones traducidas de estos formularios. Si necesita ayuda con estos formularios, por favor hágalo saber a la escuela. Estaremos encantados de establecer una fecha y hora para que alguien les ayude con la traducción. Para cualquier pregunta, póngase en contacto con la enfermera de la escuela en atozier@msad37.org Visite nuestra página de Facebook o www.nhsknights.org para obtener información y documentación importante.
over 3 years ago, Sarah Grant
8th Grade Graduation and Year End Information La información sobre la Graduación del 8o Grado y el Fin de Año
over 3 years ago, Sarah Grant
JR HIGH SPORTS CHANGES - The Jr High baseball and softball teams will play at Elm Street on Monday, May 31st at 10:00 am. The bus will leave at 8:15. On Tuesday, June 1st, there will be no softball game, but the baseball team will still play at Machias. Bus leaves at 2:30.
over 3 years ago, Sarah Grant
State Science Testing will take place at NJSHS on Tuesday, June 1 for 8th and 11th grade. It will start at 8:06 AM and end sometime in the 4th period. Students will take the test at home if remote or at school if present. Please make sure your child attends school on Tuesday, gets a good night sleep, and eats breakfast. This is the state mandated science testing that we are required to do. If you have any questions, please call the school. 483-2746 Los exámenes estatales de ciencias se llevarán a cabo en NJSHS el martes 1 de junio para los grados 8 y 11. Comenzará a las 8:06 a.m. y terminará en algún momento del cuarto período. Los estudiantes tomarán el examen en casa si están a distancia (remoto) o en la escuela si asisten en persona. Por favor asegúrese de que su hijo asista a la escuela el martes, haya dormido bien y desayune. Este es el examen de ciencias obligatorio del estado que estamos obligados a hacer. Si tiene alguna pregunta, llame a la escuela. 483-2746
over 3 years ago, Sarah Grant