The jr. high baseball and softball games scheduled for today have been rescheduled for tomorrow (May 19). Game time is 4:00. Tonight's (May 18th) high school baseball game at Mansfield Stadium will start at 7:00 (not 7:30). Tomorrow's (May 19th) high school softball game at Machias will start at 4:00 (not 4:30)
almost 4 years ago, Sarah Grant
Sport Changes
Updated to include correct website address: Our student COVID vaccination clinics, in partnership with Northern Light Health, are scheduled for the mornings of Friday, May 21 and the second dose will be Friday, June 11th. It’s very important that the student be able to commit to both dates. If interested, please fill out both forms and return by this Thursday, May 20th so we can get them registered. There are two consent forms to fill out. Visit to print out the forms. For any questions please contact Amanda Tozier at 598-5766 or
almost 4 years ago, Sarah Grant
Mrs. Dow’s 8th grade science class with the help of Mr. Rinkle planted vegetable and flower seeds inside and watched them grow for the last couple of months. Friday they brought them outside to Mary’s Garden and replanted them.
almost 4 years ago, Sue Dow
Mrs. Dow’s Grade 7 science class have been learning about electricity and had fun in a static electricity lab.
almost 4 years ago, Sue Dow
static electricity  lab
NWEA Testing will take place at NJSHS on May 18 & 20 for 7th, 8th and 11th grade. It will start at 8:06 AM and end sometime in the 3rd period. Students will take the test at home if remote or at school if present. Please make sure your child attends school on those days, gets a good night sleep and eats breakfast. This is the state mandated testing that we are required to do. If you have any questions, please call the school. 483-2746
almost 4 years ago, Sarah Grant
NJSHS is considering holding a FREE COVID vaccine clinic. This would strictly be for convenience to any families who are interested in having their child vaccinated. Please visit our Facebook page or to fill out the survey.
almost 4 years ago, Sarah Grant
Tuesday, May 11, 2021 is an early release day.
almost 4 years ago, Sarah Grant
Early Release Day
Congratulations to the following JMG Students for receiving awards for their work in the JMG State-Wide Career Development Conference. JMG Students compete against other Maine JMG Schools to showcase their skills in College and Career Readiness. 1st Place Photo Contest Winner-Lilly James 1st Place Mock Interview Winner-Ronald Williams 1st Place Resume Winner- Kaitlyn Chartrand 1st Place Resume Winner-Ronald Williams 1st Place Resume Winner-Summer Dinsmore (not pictured) 1st Place Resume Winner-Rianne Fraser (not pictured) Great job JMG Students!
almost 4 years ago, Lisa Emerson
Ronald Williams
Lillian James
Kaitlyn Chartrand
New Mask Guidance 5-6-21 Due to changes in restrictions from the Governor, masks no longer need to be worn outside - If a 6 foot distance can be maintained between people. Both during school and after school, if 6 feet apart, students and adults do not need to wear their mask outside. If you go inside the building, onto a bus, in a dugout, or huddle up close to one another, the mask has to be put back on.
almost 4 years ago, Sarah Grant
Jr. High Softball/Baseball games against Calais scheduled for today are postponed until tomorrow, Thursday, May 6. Girls will play @ Milbridge at 4:15 and the Boys will play at Narraguagus @ 4:15.
almost 4 years ago, MaryEllen Day
The high school baseball team will be playing at Shead on Thursday, May 6th at 4:00. Bus will leave at 1:00. The high school softball team will play at home against Shead on Thursday, May 6th at 4:00. Jr high baseball and softball have not been rescheduled at this time.
almost 4 years ago, Sarah Grant
HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION WILL BE HELD ON JUNE 4, 2021 AT 2PM. 8TH GRADE GRADUATION WILL BE HELD ON JUNE 10, 2021 AT 6PM. Both ceremonies will be held in the gymnasium. Due to COVID restrictions and the hope that some of them may be lifted, many decisions, including how many people will be allowed to attend, have not been made. As soon as details have been worked out, that information will be released.
almost 4 years ago, Sarah Grant
The Senior Gala will take place on May 22, 2021 from 6:00pm to 9:00pm. Unfortunately, due to COVID restrictions, the public will not be able to attend. Only Seniors and one guest will be admitted. Guests must be approved ahead of time. There will be a professional photographer on the premises at 5:30 for pictures, free to all attending.​ A nice dinner will be served followed by entertainment.
almost 4 years ago, Sarah Grant
Senior Gala
Travel Guidance Consejos papa viajeros
almost 4 years ago, Sarah Grant
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Attention Seniors and Parents!! The 2021 Local Scholarship Book is now available!! The book can be accessed in the Class of 2021 Google Classroom. Please email Mary if you have any questions at
almost 4 years ago, Lisa Emerson
The 2021 Induction of the NJSHS chapters of the National Honor Society and National Junior Honor Society can be viewed at the following link: The 7th grade induction will be at 6:00, 8/9th grade at 6:30, and 10-12th grade at 7:00.
almost 4 years ago, Lisa Emerson
Reminder: Today and Friday are Early Release Days. Please see bell schedule.
almost 4 years ago, Dawn Stubbs
Bell Schedule
The Jr High Softball Clinic scheduled for today has been cancelled.
almost 4 years ago, Dawn Stubbs
Jr High Softball
For those students who were invited to the induction ceremony of the National Jr Honor Society and the National Honor Society, please note the date is April 13th. 7th graders will be inducted at 6:00pm. 8th and 9th graders will be inducted at 6:30pm. The 10th through 12th graders ceremony will start at 7:00pm. Each student is allowed to bring 3 guests.
almost 4 years ago, Dawn Stubbs
Honor Society
The Jobs For Maine’s Graduates program at Narraguagus Jr./Sr. High School is recruiting 10th-12th graders for next year. Jobs For Maine's Graduates or JMG is a private, non-profit organization operating in the state of Maine to provide quality programming for students in grades 6 through 12 (10th-12th at Narraguagus). The JMG high school core program is offered in partnership with public schools, and all programs are offered as a for-credit course. The primary objective of the core program is to keep students fully engaged in high school through graduation, leading to enrollment in post-secondary education, a continued education credential or training program, or a quality job with a career pathway. For more information please contact Katlyn Dow, JMG Specialist Narraguagus Jr./Sr. High School
almost 4 years ago, Lisa Emerson